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  • Writer's picturegrupo 3 - lce


Since our group is all from the 90s, the Media were always prevalent in our education. In our youth, there were several didactic programs on TV, the main purpose being of teaching children while entertaining them, at the same time. However, nowadays this isn’t the case. Programs are aimed only towards entertainment, no longer giving kids incentives to think for themselves. Back in the day there were shows such as “Era uma vez o Corpo Humano” that were even used at schools, by teachers, to help the kids understanding the human body. It had a bigger impact and students would be using the media to learn and not only to entertain themselves. Today there are only few programs that teach kids while entertain them, like the “Wild Kratts” that educate children about the animal life. This small presence of media in Education ends up creating individuals which would be just another sheep, following other people’s opinion and paths, rather than distinguishing themselves and creating their own.

In our days, kids would have more quality content of Media in the classroom, nowadays the Media are used because children cannot live without it and because the Media are everywhere. Kids from the 90s and kids from now, are different. Kids, today, don’t live without entertainment from the Media, while kids from the 90s could. So, now it’s easier to teach a kid using what he or she is used to, but back in our days (90s) it wasn’t so easy to introduce the Media in a class and have success.

"o corpo humano"

"Wild Kratts"

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