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Hello! I’m Ana Rita, I am Portuguese and I’m 20 years old. All my life I’ve imagined myself communicating with people, specially with foreigners, it has always been a thing that enchanted me. However, I took a professional course of Lab Analysis on the high school. I found it interesting and I thought that when going to college I could do something different and then I would have explored 2 different areas. I’ve always loved the magic of words, so languages and cultures were something that I found quite interesting to dive into. So here I am, studying it and loving it.

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Hi! My name is Beatriz Vieira, i'm 20 years old and i'm portuguese. I studied humanities at high school, last year i was studying heritage management but it wasn't really what i wanted for me so i applied to foreing languages and cultures and now i'm majoring at it. Media has always been part of my life and helped me a lot through it and i hope to share with you important stuff about media.
Hi there! My name is Xénia, I am 19 years old and I am Portuguese. I have studied humanities on the high school. The media only started to be an important part of my education at school when I was on the 10th grade. I believe that I have had contact with the media before, at school, but I cannot remember so, on high school I am sure that I have used it more. I am, now, studying foreign languages and cultures, but this was not my first attempt. I have already been to FLUP and I have studied History. It was not what I thought it would be. I love culture and I decided that joining culture and language would be the right thing for me and it really is!
•    Hi guys, my name is Bárbara, I am Portuguese and I am 18 years old. I’m studying foreign cultures and languages and it has been a great experience. I have always preferred English, even with the Portuguese on the line. In high school I have chosen a health course and I studied Nutrition. In that field, the media were essential. My whole life I have contacted with many languages, which would have been impossible without the media.

Belonging to the “click” generation we may not be aware of the previous ones, mostly due to the distractions that surround us, nowadays. One of the biggest distractions, today, is the internet. The media had a great impact on our generation, especially on our education. What about the previous generations education? Behind this website are 4 Portuguese students of foreign languages and cultures that want to share the erudition about these differences with you. Since we were all born on the 90’s, our education has always been influenced by the media. Is it bad? What about the media on the previous generations and decades? Was it bad that they did not have the access to the things that we do, nowadays? Do you want to know more about this? You must check our site

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